Fruit Powders
Our special P2 formula !
​These Power Packed Powders are one of our most lucrative products. They are spray dried powders, packed with the power of organically enhanced natural goodness of our 100% certified organic fruit – amla, chickoo, lemon. These powders provide the essence of these seasonal fruit all the year round and have the additional advantage of convenient, quick and easy usage.
Amla Fresh
A potent tonic with the power of vitamin C with antioxidant and anti ageing properties. Enhances immunity to disease and pollution.
Chickoo Fresh
Lip smocking flavour easily available all year round for use in milk shakes, ice creams, deserts.
​Products Preparation
The manually harvested grains after being passed through the thresher in the field are brought into our godowns and first fed into the grader which sorts out the grains according to size, followed by a trip through the destoner, to remove all the stone like foreign particles. Finally the air classifier removes the light weight rubbish and the cleaned product is given a final manual check before being packed. Products to be retailed immediately are weighed accurately in our labelled plastic bags and Nitrogen flush sealed and stocked for dispatch depending on orders received. The extra is stitched into 25-50kg. bags and sent to the cold storage till required, this minimizes insect infestation and preserve its freshness.